Man, I wish this had fallen on a day that I was teaching or something. A Saturday, though? Not much going on here. Here is my day so far:
- 540 am - Took puppies outside. Also let Lady out. Left them out there.
- 936 am - Got up to eat breakfast with family.
- 940-1045 am - Ate breakfast and chatted with family.
- 1050 am-1245 pm - Did a bit of cleaning up- and downstairs. Organized stuff mostly
- 1250-121 pm - Reading Narcissus in Chains by Laurell K. Hamilton
- Clean a little more
- Continue reading
- Feed all 8 dogs (4 of which are in search of a good home - the puppies can leave in two weeks)
- Make sure the dogs have water
- Straighten various rooms
- Perhaps shower (dunno 'bout this, not going anywhere and I did shower last night)
- Check email for information about subbing a 100 or more times
- Watch the marathon of "The Simpsons" with my husband (his favorite show)
- Maybe crochet some more Christmas stuff for my Advent Calendar
- Maybe write/work on my novel
- Maybe give puppies a bath
Well, that's about it. Not a whole lot going on today. I did leave off some of the various nit-picky things such as bathroom breaks, brushing teeth, brushing hair, etc. since they don't really need to be added. Fun fun.
Almost half way done with my 30 Day Challenge. Proud of myself that I've kept going even after that ridiculous break there. Oh well, at least I'm working on it!

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