Monday, August 18, 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 7

Day 7: Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

I was born in 1989, so I am the year of the Snake. I don't know which site to take a gander at, so I closed my eyes and chose one. At I found this, so I'm going to base today's response on what can be found in that link.

Hmm, "sexy, wise, materialistic personalities". Nope, don't agree with that. I'm not completely materialistic. Yeah, things are nice to have, but I have, on more than one occasion, said that "if it's gone, it's gone." when referring to various lost items (such as all of my stuff that was possibly lost in a storage locker due to lack of fiances to pay for it). Don't consider myself all that sexy either, but on rare occasion, I do feel sexy.
I do agree with the strengths, for the most part, though being in control isn't really my thing. I like to have control, but I don't always want it.
For weaknesses: I am not imperious, mendacious, ostentatious, or conniving. I'm not really a liar, I hate it when others do it, so I try real hard not to. I'm not lazy, so much as just exhausted all the time. I am easily overstressed (refer to anxiety and depression) and I'm not a big lender of money. Not because I'm materialistic, but rather because I've never had a lot of it and I try to save every penny that I can. Not sure I'm overly confident either...

Okay, so back to the original prompt. I only sort of agree with it. I'm probably a mix of a Snake and a Horse (since I was born in December of '89), but who knows. After all, each person is different, and everyone is special.

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