Day 6: Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
Hmm, this is going to be an interesting one, mainly because I'm not sure I can come up with 30. I'll try though!
- I was born at Evans Hospital in Fort Carson, Colorado.
- I played flute from 6th grade to my senior year.
- I own a crochet business called Kota's Crochet Creations.
- I graduated May 10, 2014 from Angelo State University with my BA in English.
- I was married on May 25, 2013 to my darling husband.
- I have three fur-"children" whom I love very much: Honey, Charlie, and Lady (all GSDs).
- I am attending online classes this fall through Texas Teachers to get my teaching certification.
- Born with blonde hair and blue eyes, I've mellowed out to a dirty blonde with sea-green eyes.
- I've been working on my novel Always for Eternity for longer than I'd like to admit.
- I want to visit Europe and even see Alaska (but not live there... Too cold).
- I am the oldest of two kids, but the shortest in my family.
- I have a lot of "adopted" family - several moms, dads, and plenty of siblings.
- I can't eat a lot of food, due to a texture problem (such as lasagna, potato salad, and more).
- I have psoriasis, but I don't care - it doesn't bother me.
- Colorado, Wyoming, Louisiana, Washington D.C., New Mexico, Missouri, Oklahoma, Florida, and Kansas are all places I have visited, if briefly.
- I'm a chocoholic; I constantly crave chocolate and want to eat it all.
- I haven't really ridden a horse since my accident two summers ago (I was bucked off and twisted my knee something fierce).
- I still watch "kid shows" like: My Little Pony, Kung Fu Panda, and various other shows (I can't think of any more right now).
- I will never stop watching Disney, Dream Works, or Pixar movies.
- I didn't jump on the SuperWhoLock band wagon until the shows were several seasons in. Working on watching all the seasons.
- I love to read. In fact, I've had to up my Goodreads Challenge from 20 to 40!
- Speaking of reading, I have a mini library of my own (which my husband is dreading having to move around).
- I am part of the rare group that doesn't own a Smart Phone. I own several Smart Devices (iPad, iPod), but no Smart Phone.
- I used to HATE carrying a purse around and only wanted carry a wallet. Sometime in college, I knew I had to carry a purse (plus, I can carry a book all the time with me now).
- Coloring books are totally awesome. I still get excited about coloring.
- I've read the Fifty Shades series and laugh when I know it's simply a Twilight fan fiction. Ain't it great?
- I draw on occasion and have gotten relatively good, though it's more heads than anything.
- I only like the red and green Haribo Gummy Bears. I'll eat them all, but I only really like the red and green ones.
- I start subbing soon, hopefully, and I'll be on my way to a teacher within the next year!
- I have sleeping problems, so most of the time (if I'm not busy), all I want to do is nap all day.
This list took me way longer than I thought it would, but I got it all done! 30 fun facts about me!
If you have any questions, or would like to know more about one of the thirty, feel free to ask. I'd love to answer your questions. :D

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