Oh, I don't know where I'd want to move though it probably wouldn't be out of Texas mostly because I love this state. Where else can you say you drove nearly 12 hours and you haven't left your state yet? Maybe Californa? Plus, I'm sort of used to this climate already and would hate to adjust to a warmer/colder climate if we move. Though, inside of Texas? Out of this town and into another small one. I love the small town feel, just perhaps with few relatives. :P Not that I don't love my in-laws, I'd just like to be a little farther away from them. Definitely someplace with lots of land where I can own 3-4 dogs and a horse or two with no issues on home size or yard size. Now that would be a dream.
Places I want to visit, now that's a long list. I want to visit a great many places in Europe, just to do the "tourist" thing. Plus, I have made several friends all over the place and it would be great to see them again. Wales, Scotland, Australia, Columbia... It would be so much fun.
Of course, there is the standard "I want to visit Disney World/Land," which is true, because I went to Orlando once and didn't get to vist the whole park. I'd like to go back for about a week or so and just party with my hubby. Or go visit a ranch up in Colorado where we can ride all day long without any worries. Though, we'd have to have a few dog friendly places to take our "kids" with us. I could go on and on, mainly because I dream of traveling, though don't know if I'll ever get around to it. Maybe my darlin' dear and I will be one of those older couples who just travel when they retire. That sounds like fun to me.
So... It's been a super long time since I actually posted anything here and I just want to say I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. In the past year or so, we've moved, struggled with bills, and finally got internet access again. I hope to write at least once a week and continue with my 30 Day Challenge, even if it's just for myself. I'll probably throw in a few other writings now and again to spice it up.
For those who do read this, I thank you. I hope you enjoy and I look forward to seeing you again. :)

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