I was in First Grade and he was freakin' adorable! I, as much as a first grader can, loved him with all my heart. His name is Zack Browning, light brown hair, blue eyes, cute little freckles (I think... Long time ago, y'all!), and he was slightly taller than me.
My first kiss was by the same kid, same grade. We met under a wooden jungle gym/fort-thing and he kissed me. We'd been in Kindergarten together and now were in first grade. I think we even did the generic "Check yes if you like me" sorta note, but I couldn't tell you. I remember a lot about that, but not much about my first "relationship". But I digress; we kissed (chaste, kid kiss, like you give to you mom or dad) on the lips, I giggled and we went back to playing.
The worst part about all of that? He left a few days later, think he moved to a different school, but I never heard from him again. My tender 6 year old heart was broken. Even though he left, I never forgot about him (obviously). I often think of him and where he is now. Hope he's doing well.

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