Wow... This challenge is rather controversial, ain't it? Views on all sorts of different things. Hmm, oh well. Without further ado, let's get this started.
My view on religion is sort of hard. I'm not an Atheist, but I'm not interested in religion as a whole. I believe in God, or a higher power if you like, but I hate attending services and Sunday School and partaking in communion and what-not. I find it tedious and boring, all of it. I wouldn't switch religions for the life of me, and I never force my religion down anyone's throat (be it in person by insisting I tell someone about my God or filling Facebook with religious photos saying "If you love God, share and like" or some nonsense like that). I have done it before, but have stopped since I got in college (and off MySpace).
I consider myself a Methodist, as I have been (more or less) since my family moved to Cove. (I may have been baptized Catholic, since Dad and his family are Catholic, but I can't say for sure.) I used to enjoy going to Sunday School and Youth Group, though service on Sunday was never my thing. Heck, I used to even play my flute in the Praise Band that started while I was in High School, though that excitement was short lived: it got boring real fast. Not enough of a challenge for me (since I made up my own music, where there was not sheet music for me, which changed every time we played), and regular services were dull. We had a preacher for 13 years and his sermons were always the same every year, without change. Ugh.
Let's get back on topic, shall we? My view on religion. I have no real love for it, at least not now. I may hop back on the "bandwagon" when we have kids, but right now I find it boring. Though, just because I'm not fond of it, doesn't mean I think it should be shoved down the throats of others (no matter what your religion is) nor do I think it should be taken away from those who want to practice it. Hell, if children in school want to pray or create a group and use the school as a meeting place, then let them. Only worry about it if they're trying to shove it down people's throats and force it upon others. Or if it's harmful to the others in a way that is physical.
Ugh, I can't even... Look, I'll keep it simple. You have your religion (or lack-there-of) and I have mine. If you want a friendly talk about it, sure I'll jump in. If you're going to be rude about it and try and shove it down my throat or tell me that my religion is "wrong," then just go away. I don't want to hear it. We all have our own religion and I don't need yours shoved in places it doesn't need to be.