Thursday, July 10, 2014

30-Day Challenge - Day 1

So, I been browsing Pinterest and Google for something to use this blog for, and I've run across this several times. So, I figured, ah what the hell, why not?

So, today is Day 1 of my 30 Day Challenge.
My current relationship is married. I've been married for a year and two (almost two) months to my darling husband, Austin Raymond Thorpe, also known as Jimmy. I adore this man, even if he does upset me from time to time (he's a guy and a husband, so it's bound to happen. No worries, though, I still love him).
Gah... I'll keep working on this as the challenge goes by, work my word magic as I continue and think of more to write about.
30 Day prompt, going to finish it all!
I'm  going to try and keep up with this as much as I can. Even if I don't keep up with it for 30 days in a row, I'll keep going with it, just so I can say I did it. It keeps me and my mind busy, and I love writing. That and it will give this blog a purpose of sorts until I can figure out what exactly I'm doing with this thing. Maybe that's it, I'll just get prompts and write every day that I can and make a schedule for a couple times a week. It'll help me pull out the writer in myself. Awesome. :D
Though, sadly, I'll miss several days on the 14th-17th, due to a trip to Houston for vacation, and then a few weeks from the 22nd to... Well, I don't know when we're getting back and my Blogger app isn't the greatest, but I'll definitely try.

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