Hmm, that's quite a question there. I'm going to split these up, since I don't think they should just be bundled together as one topic.
DRUGS: Unless they're prescription, don't do them. Over the counter stuff for colds, allergies, common stuff, etc., fine. I suppose that's okay. If they're illegal or you know that you're probably not supposed to be doing them, DON'T. Marijuana? Ugh, there are so many things wrong with this product. A handful of States have legalized it, so if you want to do it, do it there. Sure, Congress could legalize it through out the entire United States, tax the hell out of it, and we'd get rid of some of that debt. I don't do drugs; hell, I don't even smoke. The smoke from cigarettes makes me sick to my stomach, and mother is allergic to it so there is a good possibility that I could be as well. (Thank god my husband doesn't smoke. He quit years before we got together and only smokes cigars when he's stressed and far away from me.) If you want to get high, there are safer ways to do it. Probably cheaper too, but I can't confirm that.
ALCOHOL: This one's a bit muddier. I like to drink, on occasion, but never enough to get myself drunk, shitfaced, or to the point of blacking out. I have also never drank so much alcohol that I have even been considered "drunk". Mostly because I don't drink much. But if you're known to drink and get stupid drunk or are an alcoholic, then that seems simple. You don't get any. It's fine in moderation, but as soon as it gets out of hand, it's stupid and the drinker needs to be cut off. And drinking and driving, no. Too many people get killed or hurt because someone drank too much.
I also think that mixing your drinks with caffeine isn't a good ideal, nor doing drugs while drinking (prescription or otherwise). Alcohol is crap for your body, don't make it worse by trying to add drugs on top of that. You may not feel the effects of what's going on, but you will when you're sober.
Ugh... I look at this reply/thought topic and frown at it. I don't like it in the least but, my brain won't let me find the words that I really should use, the words I probably should say.
This isn't an invitation for you to start yelling at me or debating with me about my ideal of politics because well, I'm not entirely too sure where I stand on the current issues lately due to travel and school and various other things. If you have a comment, and can say it without sounding rude, feel free to chat with me about it.

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