Bit of backstory-ish on the main character - one Victor Ragnorock. He's not "my" character per say, but a friend of mine has offered him up to me so often to use in my stories (especially Always for Eternity), so I am quite fond of him and don't mind using him for my "personal gain" (read as: emotional abuse, personal slave, etc. Love Victor anyhow).
He's a lovely character, Victor, one with a wide range of backstories for me to use. However, he is a soldier first and foremost in all of my stories, and in my friend's stories as well. So, this is how he's portrayed most often. War, soldiers, etc. - these are things that I can draw out this particular character.
Smile, We're Friends of Death -- an original work by Julie Lynn Thorpe (C) 2016
The new boots were nervous as they stared at the veterans who wore smiles and laughed, never mind the fact that a war was happening just outside of the perimeter of tents and vehicles. One even took to frowning as she stared at a few of the older men who were laughing particularly hard at a joke someone had said.
“Why are they laughing?” She hissed as she glared at them. “Don’t they know there’s a war going on outside?”
Victor rolled his eyes as he stepped forward, placing a hand on her shoulder to prevent the inevitable movement forward. He raised an eyebrow as she turned that crystal blue glare on him, but he smirked anyway. She could be intimidating, in her own way, but it wouldn’t do any good out here.
“Take it easy, new boots,” He raised his voice to be heard to the entire group of new cadets – Only ten? Why didn’t they send more? – “Yes, we are very well aware of the war not too far away from our only little paradise. Trust me, we’d love nothing more than to forget about it, but—.”
Gunfire echoed from outside the thin walls and for a moment, the whole battalion tensed, waiting to be called into action. When it ceased, a collective inaudible sigh filled the room before the laughter and general merriment resumed.
“But that’s life, kiddos.” Victor shrugged, motioning the new recruits to follow him through the maze of tents and temporary buildings.
This wasn’t an assigned job, leading them around and instructing them on where everything was, but it made it easier. Things ran here extremely well and the sooner the new boots understood as much as they could, the better off everyone would be.
The last place on their “tour” was the infirmary, the one place everyone tended to avoid if they could, even the doctors. He paused a few feet inside the door as the small group gathered around. The frowns they’d lost as they’d wandered returned and a few even looked a bit green. He raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
“You’ve seen how we act during our down time,” Victor’s voice was soft, almost gentle now. “How we laugh and play and pretend that the war is something that doesn’t exist beyond the four walls of our shelter.
“I don’t know what anyone’s told you about going to war with a smile. Yes, it’s a gruesome, bloody, horrible place to be where everyone you loves dies or goes home broken in more ways than you can count.”
Haunted looks stared back at him and a few of the new boots paled. Feet shuffled and a young man whimpered. Victor turned his gaze to the blue-eyed recruit and smirked humorlessly.
“We got to war with a smile on our faces because we are friends of Death himself. We do the work that he cannot and in return, we are rewarded with moments of peace where we can laugh and pretend nothing is wrong.
“We are nothing but the reapers of this world, new boots, smile while you can.”
He dismissed them and most scurried away, out of the infirmary, possibly off to find their own bolt holes within the compound. Only the woman who’d been angry before now stood before him.
“How can you still smile even knowing that you’re nothing more than a pawn for Death?” Her voice mirrored his, though he couldn’t be sure if was on purpose. She did seem far more frightened than angry, and at this point, it was to be expected.
“Because I’m still breathing, recruit. Because one day, Death will come for me too and I, personally, will welcome him with open arms.” Victor chuckled, patting her shoulder. “Best learn to love him, kid. Sometimes, he’s the only friend you’ll get in a place like this.”
He left her standing there, wandering off to his own bed. She’d understand in time, they all would. Victor chuckled as he shook his head.
“Much more than a friend you are, Death, old buddy,” he sighed, flopping on his bed with a sigh. “Friend, teacher, lover… They’ll understand one day.”

I'm a sucker for comments and critics. Let me know what you think down in the comment section below! Thank you for reading!
(If you find you have a desire to share this elsewhere, PLEASE PLEASE let me know first. I have shared it in a couple of places, so I know it's out there already, but for the love of all that is holy, ASK ME to share this. I'll probably give it the okay, but I'd like to know where you're sharing it and if you're going to give me proper credit for it. It is my work after all. Thanks! :3 )
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