The prompt for this lovely little piece of work was: Write a scene that begins with "I have nothing to apologize for." So, of course, I thought of my own character, Josiah, who isn't fond of apologizing for things, let alone things that may or may not have been his fault.
Piss Poor Apologies - An original story by Julie Lynn Thorpe (C) 2016
“I have nothing to apologize for!”
She blinked at him, surprise flashing across her face before it settled into something darker. He returned her gaze, hands fisted at his side as he tried to keep his anger contained.
“Nothing to apologize for?” She hissed. “What about fucking up my entire life, hmm? This all started because of you, you idiot!”
Silence stretched before them for several moments. The Vampire raised his lip in a snarl, debating on whether or not the consequences of his actions would be worth her death. Her actual death, not some mix where she stands on the same edge between worlds as he did.
“My fault? You think that my bite was what caused your infernal wolf to just show up?” He barked a humorless laugh. “No, my dear. That would have happened anyway, it was simply a matter of time. Sped it up, perhaps, but did not cause this.”
“Maybe,” she replied. “But I might have been able to live a normal life. One that did not involve you and the two idiots who have been chasing me since the dawn of creation!”
“Hey!” Victor’s voice rose up from behind her, but she chose to ignore it. Nothing he said would change the fact that they’d been doing to this same old song and dance for far too long. Even he would admit he might have enjoyed a century or two off.
“No,” The Vampire smirked darkly. “That’s not how it works. Your soul, spirit guide, whatever the hell you’d like to call it, showed up and your fate was sealed, Michaele! The moment you laid eyes on him, you were doomed.”
“Only because I’d gone home after you’d bitten me!”
“Shut up, both of you!” Victor glared at both the man and woman. “You don’t know anything, either of you. Yes, Josiah could have started all of this with a simple bite, set the whole damn thing into motion, but we don’t know that. Ioten could have shown up later or maybe even never, but we don’t know that. We don’t know anything at this point. It’s too late to argue what might have been or what could have happened. It’s done.”
“Hakuna Matata?”
“Not now, Matthias!” Michaele and Victor spun to yell at the younger man who, despite the angry looks he was receiving, looked quite pleased with himself.
Josiah snorted. “I get that reference.”
“Oh, shut up!” Michaele snapped. “Just leave. If you won’t apologize, then I don’t want to see your sorry ass around here anymore. Leave and stay gone.”
“I have nothing to apologize for!” Josiah hissed but spun on his heel. “But fine, you want me gone, I’ll go. However, this will not be the last you see of me!”
They watched him leave for several moments before the silence was invaded by Matthias’s soft laughter. Michaele and Victor turned to glare at him again, torn between confusion and anger.
“If he was a villain in a story, he’d say that. Of course, he would because that’s what they all say when they’re in a mood and don’t think they’re wrong,” the younger man laughed. “Gods, what an idiot! It’s lines like that that bring men like him to their knees!”
“Oh, shut up, Matti,” Victor groaned.
Michaele rolled her eyes. “It’s true, though, you’ll have to admit.”
“Not going there,” Victor huffed. “Nope.”
Matthias laughed harder, clutching his sides. Victor rolled his eyes. Michaele huffed. This hadn’t gone to plan at all, but it was something. It wasn’t, after all, the last time they’d see him. That was true, perhaps too true.
“Fucking idiots,” she muttered, turning away. “The lot of you.”

I'm a sucker for comments and critics. Let me know what you think down in the comment section below! Thank you for reading!
(If you find you have a desire to share this elsewhere, PLEASE PLEASE let me know first. I have shared it in a couple of places, so I know it's out there already, but for the love of all that is holy, ASK ME to share this. I'll probably give it the okay, but I'd like to know where you're sharing it and if you're going to give me proper credit for it. It is my work after all. Thanks! :3 )
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