She is quite the handful, my niece, and can throw the worst tantrums of any kid that I know. And she lies so much that she probably thinks the world revolves around her. Ugh, more than a handful sometimes, I'll admit it. (And I stand by the fact that her parents really need to spend more time actually parenting their child, whether or not they're actually together.)
Today, my niece was up in her room with the door closed. It's rare for her to be up there, let alone with the door closed. She's only 6, and something like that sets off warning flags in my head. I open up and yup, there she is, sitting in her chair and holding a bag of gummies that I know she's not supposed to have. I question her, not really interested in punishing her, mostly just want to find out what she's doing upstairs with candy I know she's not supposed to have. So I send her downstairs and to have a chat with her grandparents. I was correct in my assumptions that nope, she's not supposed to be eating that candy. She was given the option of time-out or a spanking for lying to me.
Well, that's what started a 45 (plus or minus a handful of minutes) minute tantrum and screaming this house probably hasn't heard in quite some time. She refused to accept time-out or a spanking for lying to me, and eventually got both (several spankings included, one from me and two or three more from grandpa). The name calling and "I don't have to listen to you" and "I hate you" cries ran on for a while. That was accompanied by thrashing, kicking her seat and anything she could reach, and banging her head against the wall as loud as she could. All we asked her to do while she sat in time-out quietly, which she claimed she couldn't do at the top of her lungs. Oh, and she only wanted to be alone, but wouldn't sit still in her chair where we would leave her alone to sit in time-out.
I simply laughed in another room because I had been like that at one time. I cried until I wore myself out and eventually stopped crying and making noise to serve my time-out. I know what it's like to be in that position. Of course, I usually got a spanking and sent to my room where I screamed and cried until I was ready to apologize.
Once she was done with the tears and the hollering, she apologized to everyone in the house and hugged everyone and all was well again. The time-out/crying spells are semi-regular when she's around, so it's nothing really new. The only difference tonight was that I was the first one to discipline her, which was probably a huge surprise/scare to her since I have only "laid" a hand on her to pick her up and put her back in her time-out chair for my mother-in-law. I've always been the "nice" aunt, the one who tried to calm her down, cheer her up, etc.
Ah, it was an eventful day. Look at me, writing three days in a row. Ha, that's amazing. Probably won't happen too often. Although, I do find this sort of fun. Maybe I'll keep it up. :D

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