Going to update weekly, on Mondays. I update multiple places on Mondays, so why not here as well. I'll keep uploading little short stories and fanfics and whatnot until I run out and then I'll go back to the 30-Day Challenge or something.
This week's story is called "Moon Men and Cotton Candy". A friend of mine gave me two words ('moon men' and 'cotton candy') and I immediately thought of how Sherlock pisses (makes fun of/ridicules) on John's choice of movies and not quite understanding the concept of cotton candy. Thus this story was born.
Moon Men and Cotton Candy - an original story by Julie Lynn Thorpe (C) 2016
“What is this?”
John looked up and frowned. “It’s a movie.”
“Obviously,” the detective rolled his eyes. “About moon men?”
“Oh, shut up.” John snorted. “You hate all the movies I pick out. You’ll only deduce this one too, I’m sure.”
Sherlock huffed but said nothing as he shoved his hands into his pockets, glaring at the doctor. John rolled his eyes and headed towards the counter, pausing by the snacks. He raised an eyebrow as he looked back over his shoulder.
John closed his eyes and counted to ten. “Snacks, Sherlock. Want anything?”
Sherlock huffed again, hand snaking out to grab a bag of cotton candy. “Do people actually eat this?”
“Yes. Usually at fairs, though. Can be a bit sticky.” John shrugged.
Sherlock stared at the brightly colored confection before heaving a heavy sigh. He soundly thoroughly put out by this whole affair. John clenched his jaw and counted again. He would not murder his flatmate in the movie store.
“I don’t know why you bother following me,” he muttered as he swiped the candy from Sherlock and placed it and the movie on the counter. “You hate domesticity and all its finer points. Plus, you always piss on my choice in movies.”
“Do not,” Sherlock muttered sulkily.
“Bond, detective shows,” John ticked off a list as the cashier rang up the items. “Doctor Who. You even ruin books for me. I’ve had to read up in my room to keep the mystery there.”
Sherlock raised an eyebrow, tempted to ruin the book that John was currently reading (the sister had done it, of course), but he kept his mouth shut. Instead, he focused on why he had decided that following John around town was better than sitting back at the flat.
“Bored. Besides, I do enjoy looking into the nuances that are John Watson.”
“You’re not bored, and you don’t care about my nuances until you want to pester me.” John paid for the items and tossed Sherlock the cotton candy. “Don’t eat that until we’re back at the flat, yeah?”
“I’m not a child in need of minding,” Sherlock snapped, spinning out of the store, coat billowing behind him.
He didn’t wait for John as he raised his arm, hailing a cab instantly. John shook his head and ducked into the cab once Sherlock opened the door. The drive home was silent, though the old army doctor could tell Sherlock was fuming over the movie choice. He chuckled. Served the lanky git right for being a bloody prat and following him out.
“I don’t understand what is going on!”
John held back a laugh. “They’re exploring the moon, Sherlock, what’s hard about that?”
“There is no life on the moon!”
“Says the man who knows nothing about the solar system.”
Sherlock glared at John, flicking a piece of the sticky pink candy at him before turning back to the screen. “Everyone knows there is no life outside the Earth. Science has yet to find proof.”
“Of course, you know that.”
“Everyone knows that, John. If there was life outside our planet it would be plastered everywhere and the crime in London would be boring.”
“God forbid we find extra-terrestrial life elsewhere and the criminal underbelly of London suddenly becomes too dull for you.” John groaned. “Shut up, trying to watch this.”
Sherlock huffed, torn between glaring at the melting mass of sugar in his hands and the obviously idiotic ‘astronauts’ searching for ‘moon men’. John chuckled and took a chunk and put it in his mouth, smirking at Sherlock’s frown.
“This is a ridiculous attempt at a confection,” Sherlock muttered, following John’s example. Sweet and melted on his tongue. Mycroft could ruin his entire diet with this silly treat. Suddenly, Sherlock had an urge to send several tons of the stuff to his brother.
“Don’t,” John shook his head. “You know Mycroft will not be amused. And I really don’t want to know what he’d do in return.”
“The moon men look exactly like the so-called scientists,” Sherlock chose to ignore John’s warning. He had a point, but that didn’t mean he had to say that the doctor was right. “They’re not even-!”
“Sherlock!” John snapped, shoving a handful of cotton candy in the detective’s mouth. “Shut up!”
Sherlock gave him a glare that could send harden criminals scurrying, but John was pointedly ignoring him. He was going to enjoy the rest of the movie even if it meant shoving the rest of that damn candy down the bloody prat’s throat just to keep him quiet.
“Still didn’t see the point,” Sherlock grumbled, washing his hands in the sink. John refused to let him touch anything until the stickiness was cleared from his fingers. He couldn’t blame John, not exactly. He’d be cross with himself later if he didn’t delete the entire night from memory.
“To have fun, idiot,” John snorted, turning on the kettle. He busied himself with making tea as Sherlock muttered. “I won’t subject you to any more movies about moon men.”
“Or let me pick up any of that dreadful candy.”
“Agreed,” John nodded. “Don’t know what I was thinking, letting you get that stuff. Made a right mess of yourself. Go get changed.”
Sherlock glared. “I am not a child, John Watson.”
“And you’re going to ruin your clothing if you don’t get it into the wash, Sherlock Holmes,” John raised an eyebrow. “Go. Change.”
Sherlock thought about fighting it for a minute, but eventually gave in and changed into his sleep pants and a t-shirt. He threw a dressing gown on, mostly to please himself, and stomped back into the living room, throwing himself on the couch.
“Claims not to be a child, but sure acts like one,” John muttered, setting Sherlock’s tea on the coffee table.
“Not a child.” Sherlock sulked.
“No, of course not.” John raised his voice to conversation level. “You’re the world’s only consulting detective, you’d never act like a child.”
“Says the man who watches ridiculous movies about moon men and eats cotton candy.”
“Yup.” John let the ‘p’ pop loudly in the near silence of the room.
Sherlock rolled his eyes. It was a ridiculous movie. He would, no doubt, delete this horrid experience from his memory. Though, it was nice not to be bored for a bit.
“I’ll let you pick the next one,” John said, smiling. “We can go back tomorrow. I’ve got to return this one anyway.”
Sherlock frowned for a moment before chuckling. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to watch ridiculous and obvious movies. It was wonderful to not be bored.
“Fine,” Sherlock huffed, feigning annoyance. “But you can’t complain.”
“I’ll do my best.” John agreed.
Sherlock flipped over, stretching out and clapping his hands together in his mock-prayer, contemplating what horrid film he could force John into watching, smirking as he stared at the ceiling.
This would definitely not be as boring as he feared. Delightful.
I had loads of fun with this one and I hope you all enjoyed it. :) Feel free to let me know down in comments below what you thought or what you'd like to see me write about. :D

I'm a sucker for comments and critics. Let me know what you think down in the comment section below! Thank you for reading!
(If you find you have a desire to share this elsewhere, PLEASE PLEASE let me know first. I have shared it in a couple of places, so I know it's out there already, but for the love of all that is holy, ASK ME to share this. I'll probably give it the okay, but I'd like to know where you're sharing it and if you're going to give me proper credit for it. It is my work after all. Thanks! :3 )
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