It's official! I'm am a graduate of Angelo State University! All decked out in my black cap and gown with my blue and gold tassel! (Feels vaguely familiar, though high school was blue cap and gown with blue and gold tassel. But that's what I get for going to a school with the same colors as my high school. Kinda cool though. Maybe I can teach at a school with the same colors too! Though, that might be a bit much.)
I won't get my diploma for a while (two weeks), but I did get a coupon to the bookstore at the school and I am now part of ASU Alumni for a year (free of charge) and I even got a nifty coin! Pretty cool stuff, right?
Soon, I'll be off on another adventure. I'll be going through the "Texas Teachers: Alternative Certification", which is an online course that I'll take for a bit, then I'll get my own classroom for a year (probationary license), but after that year I will be a full fledged teacher! During the probationary year, I will get all the benefits of a fully licensed teacher: health care, full pay, etc. It's exciting! I can't wait to start my next set of classes to get my own classroom!
My husband is also on his way to graduating. He's got a week left, but then he will also be a graduate, though not from ASU. (I'm not sure if I explained that he's going through a Police Academy in San Angelo, but not the SAPD academy.) He's excited, but nervous, since they're still doing a lot of in class testing before the State Exam. I have faith in him though, he can totally do it!
Once he graduates, we'll be off to our own place and our jobs. Don't know where we're headed yet, since hubby has to make calls and do interviews before we can actually move. In-laws are wonderful, though. They're holding back a portion of their tax return for us, offering to help us get a place wherever we wind up, be it near-by or in another town in Texas. Of course, there will be lots of pictures and a blog about it, so check that out when we move. I'll be sure to let ya know.

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