My niece, Kaylee, has taken quite a shine to me. All I did was help her with her homework the 24th, and from that point on she has decided that I was going to help her with all her homework. (She's working on sentences, so it's not too difficult.) She even listens to me a bit more than her grandparents (and I'm sure a whole hell of a lot more than her mother/father/mother's "boyfriend"/etc). The other day she handed me five pennies and told me it was for gas money in case our truck ran out of gas. She even told me today that I was her favorite (not sure "what", but still cute) and brought me a picture that she drew at school. And she has come and given me a hug and kiss every night before bed this week. She really is a cute kid when she's not being a terror.
Speaking of terrors, my sister-in-law (niece's mother) really grates my nerves and I often laugh at her misfortunes. Yeah, I'm going to hell for that, but I don't laugh in her face and I actually avoid confronting her (since she believes she can walk into her parents house without warning and whenever she wants like she owns the place). But she has stolen from her family and me (even before I was married in), so I feel no pity for messing up constantly. She hasn't figured out her life yet and she's older than I am. She's also in the house that my husband and I were supposed to move into once we graduated. No one was happy about that mess, but there she is. Meh, enough about her.
I graduate in ten days! I'll finally be out of Angelo State University and on to Texas Teachers for my alternative certificate. I'm super excited to be done with school and on my way to becoming a teacher. I'll only have a little bit of schooling left before I start my probationary teaching (full benefits and pay) for a year. After that, I'll be an official teacher and can teach anywhere in the state of Texas. My husband is almost finished with his schooling at the Police Academy in town, just 6 days after I graduate, and will be a police officer anywhere he'd like. We've talked about moving, but right now, it's just in the state of Texas, due to my degree-less-ness. But once that's finished, I can take whatever exam needed and can teach anywhere in the States. How exciting is that?
The horses, all but my SiL's, have gone away to another home. Their owner's sister (or whomever) took them last week, so no more ponies to ride or rebreak. I'm a little depressed about that, but ya know, stuff happens. We're not messing with the other horse out there unless we buy it, since it's not ours and she lives in town (she'd give us grief, even if we did purchase the horse from her parents, my in-laws). But, good news, they're building a Dog Park in San Angelo, so (should we stay in the area or even move back if we leave) the dogs will get some social interaction with other dogs and plenty of exercise. I can't wait!
Hmm... Other than all that, I can't think of too much to say. If you're interested in learning anything about me, let me know in the comments below. I'd love to chat or create a blog specifically to any one who'd like me to talk about something specific.
Don't forget to check out for all the crochet creations that I've created! They're pretty amazing!

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